Terms of Service | Ventio
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“Ventio” company provides a set of tools and resources to manage online stores, process orders and sell products online as well as all related professional services or other related services. All of the above are referred to as the “Services”.”.

The following are the terms, conditions and conditions for the use of these services, along with any modifications there to and any operating rules or policies that may be published from time to time by Ventio.”.

First: Services and Support

1. The Services are provided subject to these Terms and any operating policies that Ventio may establish; All of which are referred to as the “Agreement”. Ventio may make changes to this Agreement and these Terms, and continued use of any Services provided by Ventio will be deemed acceptance by the Customer of any such changes. In addition, when using certain Services, the Customer and Ventio are subject to any posted guidelines or rules that apply to those particular Services and which may be published from time to time.

2. The Services are available only to qualified persons who can sign and enter into legally binding contracts under applicable law. Without limiting the foregoing, the Services are not available to individuals under the age of 18. If you do not qualify, please do not use the Services.

3. The Services provide a set of tools and resources to manage an online store and process orders as well as sell products online. In addition, the services provided by the Company may include professional advisory services relating to your use of Ventio tools and resources.

4. The customer must complete the registration form in order to be able to fully enjoy the services of the company. Customer will provide true, accurate, current and complete information about itself as prompted in the registration form, and will update the information to keep it current. As part of the registration process, the customer will specify the email address and password for the Ventio customer account. Customer is also responsible for maintaining the security of its account, passwords, and files, and for all uses of Customer’s account and the Services in Customer’s name. Ventio also reserves the right to refuse to register or terminate accounts it deems inappropriate.

Second: restrictions and responsibilities

1. This is an Agreement for Services and Customer is not granted a license to any Software under this Agreement. Accordingly, the customer undertakes not to do, directly or indirectly, the following:

2. Customer represents, warrants and warrants that it will use the Services only in accordance with Ventio’s privacy policies as described below or otherwise provided to Customer and referred to as the “Policy” and all applicable laws (including but not limited to email-related policies and laws spam, privacy, obscenity, or defamation). Customer may not access or otherwise use third party mailing lists in connection with preparing or distributing unsolicited email to any third party. Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Ventio harmless from any damages, losses, liabilities, settlements or expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ costs and fees) in connection with any claim or action arising out of an alleged breach of the foregoing.

3. For each email sent in connection with the Services, Customer acknowledges and agrees that the recipient has consented to receiving such communications and that Customer will not engage in unsolicited email sending.

4. When using various features of the Company’s Services, Customer may provide information (such as name, contact information, or other registration information) to Ventio. In addition, Ventio may use this information and any technical information about the customer’s use of this website to customize its presentations to the customer, facilitate the customer’s movement through this website, or communicate separately with the customer. The Company undertakes that it will not provide such customer information to companies not authorized by the customer, nor will Venteo allow companies that obtain such information to be sold and redistributed without the customer’s prior consent.

Third: Termination of the contract

1. Customer may terminate this Agreement at any time by sending an email to [email protected]

2. Ventio may terminate this Agreement or the Services at any time for violation of any of the policies with or without notice. The Company shall have no liability to the Client or any third party for such termination.

3. Ventio has the right to terminate this Agreement or the Service at any time if the Customer has used the Service to sell or promote any illegal products or services. Accordingly, Ventio shall have no liability to the Customer or any third party for such termination.

4. Ventio “has the full right to terminate this agreement or the service at any time if the customer uses the service to sell or promote pornography or any inappropriate materials or any materials that may incite violence or defamation of religions.” Accordingly, the company shall not bear any liability towards the client or any third party due to such termination.

5. Upon termination for any reason, Ventio may delete any data archived by the Customer within 90 days of the date of termination. The Ventio control panel provides the customer with several data import and export tools through which he can import his data at any time.

Fourth: Payment and service renewal

1. service condition. The term of Customer’s subscription to the Services shall commence upon Customer’s acceptance of these Terms and shall end as described above.

2. paying off. The Customer agrees to pay all fees applicable to the Services in effect at the time of registration, first use or renewal subject to these Terms as they may be amended by Ventio from time to time.

3. Account auto-renewal. As a matter of courtesy and not as an obligation (contractual or otherwise), fourteen (14) days prior to the expiration of the Customer’s Hosting Account the Company will automatically renew the Customer’s Hosting Account for the same term specified in the previous payment period, and at the current non-promotional rate, by withdrawing the Fee From the payment method originally selected by the customer. The Customer acknowledges that there may be several reasons as to why Ventio may not be able to renew the said account or domain, including but not limited to the inability of the Company – for any reason – to issue an invoice for the said renewal on the Customer’s credit card or withdraw the fees From the payment method that the customer has specified on their account, or to contact or obtain a response from the customer at the last known email address, or otherwise. Customer acknowledges that said account or domain, if not renewed, for whatever reason, will expire on the specified account or expiration date, as applicable.

4. Cancel automatic account renewal. To cancel automatic account renewal or automatic domain renewal, Customer must notify Ventio of Customer’s intent to cancel at least sixteen (16) days prior to the account or domain expiration date by giving notice of cancellation of automatic account renewal or cancellation of automatic domain renewal express notice to Ventio , as applicable, by sending it via email to [email protected] Ventio agrees that upon receipt of automatic account cancellation notice or automatic domain renewal cancellation notice in accordance with the above terms, no additional fees will be charged to the customer and that the Hosting Account The customer or domain, as applicable, will expire on the specified account or domain expiration date.

5. Cancellations and refunds. Ventio does not provide a money-back guarantee for new account registrations under any circumstances.

6. Offers banned. No customer may use the Services to provide, sell, or promote the sale of the following: replicas, controlled substances, liquor, tobacco products, illegal drugs and drug trafficking, weapons, pirated materials, instructions on making, assembling, or acquiring goods or weapons Unlawful to attack others Information used to infringe copyright (trademark) or trademark infringement or destroy the intellectual property or information of others Information used to unlawfully harm anyone or animals Pornography, nudity, products, software or services sexuality, custodial services or other content deemed to be relevant to adults.

7. cursing. Profanity or insulting topics in the content of the site and in the domain name are strictly prohibited.

8. Private information and photos. Customers may not post or disclose any personal or private information or images of children or any third party without the consent of said party (or parental consent to minors).

9. Intellectual property rights violations. Any infringement of any person or entity’s intellectual property rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, or other personal rights is prohibited. Ventio is required by law to remove or block access to Content that appears on or through the Services by receipt of an appropriate notice of copyright infringement (see “Copyright Infringement Notice Information” below).

10. Misrepresentation of transmission information. It is prohibited to forge, distort or delete message headers or resend postal information or Internet Protocol addresses to hide or identify the origin of the message.

11. Viruses and other destructive activities. You must not use the Services to create or transmit Internet viruses, worms, Trojan horses, mail flooding or bombing, or participate in denial-of-service attacks. Any Customer is also prohibited from engaging in any other activity that has the intent to disrupt or interfere with, or results in the disruption of or interference with, the ability of others to effectively use the Services (or any network, system, connected service or equipment) or conduct their business over the Internet.

12. the pirate. Hacking and related activities are strictly prohibited. “Hacking” includes, but is not limited to, the following activities: unlawfully or without permission gaining access to computers, accounts, or networks, hacking or attempting to hack security measures, port scans, intrusion scans, and other activities designed to help the pirate.

13. Anonymous Proxies. Ventio does not allow anonymous proxy scripts to be used on its servers. It can be very abusive to server resources, affecting all users on that server.

14. Child pornography. Use of the Services to store, post, display, transmit, sell, advertise or otherwise make available child pornography is prohibited. Ventio is required by law and will report to law enforcement agencies when it becomes aware of child pornography on or transmitted through the Services.

15. Other illegal activities. You must not use the Services to engage in any activity that Ventio determines, in its sole discretion, to be illegal. Such illegal activities include, but are not limited to, storing, publishing, sending, selling or otherwise making available Ponzi schemes or pyramid schemes, fraudulently charging credit cards or displaying credit card information of a third party without their consent, and non-compliance with privacy laws applied on the Internet. Ventio shall fully cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies with respect to any and all illegal activities that occur on or through the Services.

16. Backup storage. Ventio provides its services to host e-commerce websites, not to store data. Use of the account as online storage for archiving electronic files is prohibited, and will result in termination of services without prior notice.

17. Other activities. Engaging in any activity that, in Ventio’s sole and absolute discretion, disrupts, interferes with, or damages (or threatens to disrupt, expand, or damage the Services or its business), customer relationships, or even the ability of Ventio customers to effectively use the Services is prohibited. These prohibited activities include making available any software, product, or service that is designed or may be used to violate these Terms. In addition, Customer’s failure to cooperate with Ventio to correct or prevent violations of these Terms by, or that result from, customer, sponsor, subscriber, invitee, visitor, or guest activity constitutes a violation of these Terms by Customer.

18. Copyright infringement information. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Ventio has adopted a policy to terminate Company-hosted websites that infringe the copyrights of third parties. If the copyright holder believes that there has been an infringement of his copyright on a website hosted by Ventio or a subsidiary of Ventio, and the copyright holder wants the company to remove the website or disable the material in question, then Ventio will remove the website or disable the material if the copyright owner provides us with all of the following information:

The signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. The copyrighted work shall be identified and claimed, or in the case of alleged infringement of several copyrighted works, a representative list of such works.

Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or the subject of infringing activity and should be removed or access to which should be disabled, with information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material.

Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the person providing the notice, such as an address, telephone and, if applicable, a contactable email address.

A statement that the person giving the notice has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the person providing the notification is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

19. Backups. For its own efficiencies and operational purposes, Ventio backs up data on its servers every hour, but is under no obligation or obligation to the Customer to do so under these Terms. It is Customer’s sole duty and responsibility to back up Customer’s files or data on Ventio systems. The Ventio control panel provides the customer with several data import and export tools through which he can import his data at any time. Under no circumstances will Finentio be liable to anyone for any damages of any kind or under any legal theory resulting from the loss of customer files or data on Ventio systems.

20. governing law. These Terms are governed by the laws of the United States of America without reference to principles of conflict of laws. The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods does not apply and is expressly excluded. By subscribing to or using any of the Ventio e-commerce company services, the customer agrees that all disputes, if any, involving Ventio shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction (Wyoming) of the United States of America, provided, further, that all claims shall be brought filed against Ventio in court in the United States of America. Customer hereby agrees that it is subject to the personal jurisdiction in person of the said courts for all purposes in connection with these Terms or in connection with any claim or dispute relating to Ventio. Customer agrees that it is not entitled to and may not bring legal action against Ventio outside the United States of America.